Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. PATTY Day

3 years ago today. I went in to preterm labor with our quads at 17weeks. I was taken to the hospital with 6 Min's apart contractions. We I arrived. The Dr told me that I had lost almost all my cervix and they would have to go and put in a Cervical Cerclage. I went in the OR with no hopes of coming home with my babies. Dr. Elliot and Dr. HO where there to hold me up in spirit and hope. The believe enough in me. Dr. Ho told me that I wouldn't have this babies until it was time. At 17 weeks I start complete bed rest and a new game started believing in myself and in my strength to carry all 4 babies to 32 weeks. As most people celebrate ST. Patty Day.

We celebrate the quick medical care I received at Banner Good Sam and The love and kindness that all the nurse's on the 5Th floor show our Family. Thank you Dr. Elliot and Dr. Ho for the care. Today we have 4 healthy kids wearing green!

Thank you,

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